Our Story
We amaze, educate and inspire through our ethical and engaging animal encounters.
For many years, ZooLab has played an important part in educating audiences about animals and the natural world. Now more than ever, the team is committed to making a real difference - helping to change attitudes and highlighting what we need to do to protect the environment from the effects of climate change.
Established in 1997, ZooLab remains a family-run business with a mother-and-daughter team at the helm. They are supported by a fantastic group of passionate field presenters and operational support staff who enthusiastically share their love of nature with audiences of all ages.
Faced with many challenges over the years, including the impact of the covid pandemic - ZooLab has continued to grow from strength to strength and is the UK's leading provider of curriculum-centred animal visits to schools and other venues, including the care and events sectors.
Offering both face-to-face and online animal experiences, we have something to suit every situation or budget with the flexibility to deliver anywhere in the UK or internationally.
A visit from ZooLab is always memorable and will be the talking point for days or weeks. ZooLab makes learning FUN.
To educate, inspire
and influence today
for a more informed
and sustainable
Our Vision
To inspire people of all ages through ethical animal encounters
Animal welfare, Quality, Wellbeing, Sustainability, Learning and Fun
Core Values
We care about our animals, our staff, our customers and the planet.
Here are just a few reasons why you should choose ZooLab.
We love our animals and their welfare is paramount.
We also love our humans! We care about the health and wellbeing of our staff. We have a mentally strong workforce who feel they can talk to us.
Fun is at the heart of everything we do, whether it is in the classroom, a care home, summer camp or a corporate event.
We bring animals to you. Our presenters are Dementia Friends, Makaton, and PECS trained, using props where appropriate to engage.
Our UK-wide network of
Rangers offers a tried and trusted product that we continually develop.
This ensures high customer satisfaction and workshops which fulfil curricular outcomes.
We are a family run business. For over 20 years, ZooLab have amazed, educated and inspired audiences across the UK with our exotic animal handling.
We have packages to suit all budgets - from online workshops to in-person handling workshops.
We are committed to delivering excellent customer service during your ZooLab journey. From booking to the visit, our friendly team are on hand to help with queries and make your experience easy and enjoyable.
We are dedicated to becoming more sustainable and proactively reduce our companies carbon footprint toward NET ZERO as fast as possible.
We look forward to further exploring projects connected to improving the environment, society and economics.
Childminders • Playgroups • SEN/ASN • PRUs • Guides, Scouts and Boy’s Brigades • Out of School Clubs • Holiday Clubs and Summer Schools • Nursing and Residential Homes • Libraries and Museums • Adult Learning • Businesses and Events • CSR partners • Venues • Birthday Parties • Entertainment