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A group of senior residents enjoy a ZooLab show at their care home.

Relieve your anxiety with our Exam Stress Buster session!
Perfect for secondary pupils or college classes.

An example of a ZooLab trail pack
Our tatantula character, Bella
An old bald man with a moustache and a yellow jumper smiling
An older lady laughs and smiles.

Hi, we're ZooLab!

ZooLab Animal Therapy sessions are a useful tool to promote mental wellbeing and can be used in a wide range of settings including care homes, children's hospices, prisons and pupil referral units, exam stress busters and staff wellbeing sessions. 


Animal assisted therapy is recognised as an occupational therapy within psychology suggesting animals bring people together.


Our presenting team find working in this area very rewarding - they can see the positive impact these encounters can have, making people's lives better. They are skilled at pitching the session to each kind of audience which gives every ZooLab session a personal touch.

Bearded dragon
White's tree frog.

Over many years, ZooLab has developed a style of animal therapy session that can be adapted to suit any setting.


We are happy to design these sessions specifically for you and aim to leave participants feeling uplifted and inspired by our amazing animals.


We are also happy to offer our services to any group or individual who feels they would benefit from one of our face to face or online animal encounters.

A young boy gets up-close and hands-on with a leopard gecko.
ZooLab Fur background wall paper.
A care home resident gets hands-on with a Giant African land snail.

ZooLab presenters are all “Dementia Friends” trained. This enables us to effectively offer high quality, worthwhile experiences for some of our more complex audiences within the care home sector. 


Our therapy sessions build on the mental benefits of group activity and combine the sensory experience of handling animals with multiple textures. Our team help lift the mood of the residents and staff and make their day better. 


We know that activities in care homes are so important for many different reasons - they combat isolation and loneliness and encourage the use of the brain (which is evidenced to slow the symptoms of dementia). 

Residential & Dementia Care Homes

"Becoming a dementia friend encouraged me to ask residents questions about the animals to draw on their past experiences. Cognitive stimulation is important for people with dementia"

Chilean rose tarantula
ZooLab Ranger Anna.
ZooLab wallpaper featuring our ZooLab characters.
A young boy and his carer read our ZooLab Social Story.
SEND & ASN homes

Our visits to adult SEN homes bring fun, engagement and interest! There is also the opportunity for participants if they wish to be tactile with the animals and become fully involved in the encounter bringing many positive benefits. 


These sessions are a confidence building experience and if residents require additional reassurance we can show PECS symbols of our animals before introducing them in person.

Giant African land snail
ZooLab wallpaper featuring our ZooLab characters.
Teaching icon


We all know that too much information can be overwhelming! Our presenters cater to the audience and will break down the information into small chunks to suit all learning abilities.


We've got the best bunch! Which Ranger will visit you?

ZooLab Ranger Eleanor
ZooLab Ranger Domanique


Giant African land snail.

Get in the know before getting up-close and hands-on.

Group icon.


We ensure our session sizes are small to allow us to cater to all levels of abilities. If you need smaller group sizes, let us know what would work best for your setting.


Our storybook workshops are perfect for older audiences.

White's tree frog.


A nursery school child sits, surrounded by our ZooLab characters.

Our ZooLab characters are excited to meet you!


Hero image for Armchair Aerobics workshop.

Animal Armchair Aerobics
​All ages and abilities

DURATION: 45 - 55 mins

OVERVIEW: Animal Armchair Aerobics encourages gentle exercise from the comfort of your chair with our ZooLab animals!


This workshop stimulates residents and gets them active through animal inspired movements. All whilst learning lots of fun facts about our exotic critters.

Hero image for Journey Through the Rainforest.

Journey Through The Rainforest
​All ages and abilities

DURATION: 45 - 55 mins

OVERVIEW: Our ZooLab Ranger takes residents on a journey through the rainforest - with real rainforest animals!


Experience the drama of the rainforest. From the dark forest floor to the dizzy heights of the emergent layer as you meet some of the animals that live there!

Hero image for Myths and Legends workshop.

Myths and Legends

​All ages and abilities

DURATION: 45 - 55 mins

OVERVIEW: From Greek mythology to Egyptian legends, this workshop takes you on a mythical journey through time.


Discover the myths and legends that surround our ZooLab animals, as you get up-close and hands on from the comfort of your armchair. 

Hero image for Animal Record Breakers.

Animal Record Breakers
​All ages and abilities

DURATION: 45 - 55 mins

OVERVIEW: Do you have what it takes to become a record breaker?


This workshop features some of the best runners, jumpers and weightlifters on the planet! Get up-close and hands on with some of our record breaking ZooLab legends and learn about their feats!

Hero image for Minibeasts workshop.


​All ages and abilities

DURATION: 45 - 55 mins

OVERVIEW: Residents get an up-close and hands on introduction to the fun world of invertebrates and classification.


Don't be creeped out by these creepy-crawlies. Find out what minibeasts have inside them and compare and contrast our bodies to theirs as you get hands-on.


Senses & Textures

​All ages and abilities

DURATION: 45 - 55 mins

OVERVIEW: Humans have five senses. Do our ZooLab animals have the same senses? How do their senses help them live in their habitats?


Is a snake slimy? What sound does a cockroach make? Discover as you get up-close and hands-on with our exotic animals. 


Hero image for the Creepy Crawly Halloween workshop

Creepy Crawly Halloween Workshop
All ages and abilities

DURATION: 45 - 55 mins

OVERVIEW: The spooky season has never been creepier or crawl-ier than in our spook-tacular Halloween workshop! Get up-close with some of our amazing animals.


The spookiness doesn't end there - why not cast a spell with your ZooLab Ranger who will be dressed up as a witch or wizard. 

Hero image for The Last Present storybook workshop

The Last Present

​All ages and abilities

DURATION: 45 - 55 mins

OVERVIEW: In this rhyming story book, we join Santa as he searches for the recipient of an undelivered present in his sack.


As he retraces his route to check everyone has a gift, we visit the homes of our animal friends to see their habitats and how they spend Christmas. 

Looking for something different?
Giant African Land Snail
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Get in touch

01324 667330​


ZooLab UK Head Office:
3 Garnhall Farm Road,
G68 0HA 

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