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The Zagaro

EYFS, KS 1; Early Years, First Stage KS 1.

Ages 1 - 5

DURATION: 45 mins - 55 mins

OVERVIEW:  Our rat protagonist meets a host of ZooLab’s weird and wonderful animals and uses their characteristics to create an imaginary monster.


Spoiler ahead - at the end of the story we find out the Zagaro is real, much torats surprise! Our story-based workshops are sure to engage and entertain through our Rangers acting out the story and by getting the children on their feet and moving about! We bring this classic tale to life, adding an extra dimension and sense of excitement through our live animal interaction.

Learning Outcomes
  • Based on children’s book (The Gruffalo).

  • Uses repetition and rhyme to introduce animals.

You'll get to meet some of these animals:

Free Printable Resources with every workshop

Free printable educational resource pack
Free printable educational resource pack

Why learn through storytelling?

Using storytelling as a mechanism in teaching involves structuring learning around a narrative. It helps children (and adults) make sense of issues and topics by engaging them in a story, making facts easier to remember and participants more open to learning.

The benefits of learning through storytelling does not stop at increasing knowledge of the subject area - storytelling encourages creativity, expands vocabulary, increases attention span and helps to reinforce morals.

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Meet the gang!
A little girl sits crosslegged whilst surrounded by ZooLab's animal characters

Our ZooLab characters are excited to meet you!

Meet the animals
Giant African land snail

Get in the know before getting up-close and hands-on

Check out our workshops

Our educational workshops hit curriculum outcomes

Whites tree frog
Meet the Rangers

We've got the best bunch! Which Ranger will visit you?

ZooLab Ranger Eleanor
ZooLab Ranger Domanique
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