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Eilidh Stout

ZooLab Ranger

Eilidh joined ZooLab in 2023 and works in Glasgow and the surrounding areas.


Experience: When she was younger, Eilidh worked for the Riding For The Disabled Association. In this incredibly rewarding job she taught people with disabilities to ride horses. In her spare time, she also helped her mum breed Labradors.


About: “I love working with animals! My favourite animal would have to be a lion or a cheetah. A lion, because I am Leo and a cheetah because I just like cats, so big cats are my favourites!


My favourite ZooLab animal would have to be the frogs! They are just the cutest little things ever and they have so much personality packed into such a tiny bodies. Interesting Fact: Eilidh is the lead singer in an indie band called The Decrees – check them out on Spotify!

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