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KS 1, 2, 3; First, Second, Third, Fourth Stage.

Ages 5 - 14

DURATION: 45 mins - 55 mins

OVERVIEW: We use ZooLab animals to investigate how and why some species adapt, evolve and adjust to a changing environment over millions of years.


We look at the human factor in evolution, discover vestigial traits of some species and discover the ability of some species to live almost anywhere. 

Animals used in this workshop

Key Workshop Objectives

  • Define adaptation 

  • Explore how animals have adapted to their habitats 

  • Compare the survival of 3 keys species 

  • Consider why different animals are best suited to certain habitats

  • Identify different types of habitats 

Curriculum Outcomes England & Wales

Curriculum Outcomes Scotland

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This workshop includes FREE RESOURCES!

What is an adaptation?

An adaptation is defined as an adjustment to an organism to make them better suited to an environment.


Animals and plants have developed special characteristics to survive in their particular habitat. Adaptations include biological changes to body functions or structure, behavioural and physiological to change to meet the environment. 

There are two different types of species - generalist and specialist: generalists are able to thrive in a wide variety of environmental conditions and the specialists can only thrive in a small variety.

Adaptations became widely discussed after Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace developed the theory of natural selection - i.e survival of the fittest, where the best adapted life forms survive and pass the most desirable characteristics to offspring. 

"All the children were able to be actively involved in the session and came out with lots of enthusiasm for the start of our new project on Minibeasts"

Name to go here.

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