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Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year

EYFS, KS1; Early Years, First Stage.

Ages 3 - 11

DURATION: 45 mins - 55 mins

OVERVIEW: Learn about Chinese New Year the ZooLab way! We bring some of the animals that feature on the Chinese calendar and you’ll also hear

about the other ZooLab animals that didn’t make it across the river to be one of the select group.

Linking to literacy skills, science and geographical knowledge, young children get to hear a story that illustrates that there is more than one way of looking

at the world.

Animals used in this workshop

Key Workshop Objectives

  • Compare Chinese New Year traditions to our own

  • Explore Chinese tradition and mythology

  • Discuss animal adaptations

    in relation to the story of

    the Zodiac

  • Encourage listening,

    participation and imagination

Curriculum Outcomes England & Wales

Curriculum Outcomes Scotland

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This workshop includes FREE RESOURCES!

What is the Chinese New Year?

Chinese New Year, doesn’t start on the 1st January; instead it is marked by the start of the new moon (Chinese New Year is often referred to as the Lunar New Year). The date changes every year but always falls 21 January - 20 February.

The new moon marks the start of the Spring Festival - a 16 day celebration to mark the beginning of spring. Families come together, banquets and parades are held, fireworks and red lanterns can be seen on the streets around China and red envelopes are given to children by their elders.

"All the children were able to be actively involved in the session and came out with lots of enthusiasm for the start of our new project on Minibeasts"

Name to go here.

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