One of the best things about ZooLab has got to be working with an incredible team! Each month, Ranger Anna will interview a member of the ZooLab family.
This month we will be speaking to ZooLab's, Kayleigh.
Hi Kayleigh, how long have you worked for ZooLab?
I will have worked for ZooLab for 3 years at the end of November.
What is your role within the company?
I work in the telesales department.
With ZooLab, everyday is different! Can you think of a day which was completely out of the ordinary for you?
Working in the office we were always quite used to animals roaming around the place but one day a massive bird of prey came to visit which I got to hold so that was pretty cool.

What is something you love about working for ZooLab?
I love everyone I work with and the work nights out (hopefully we can do this again soon)!
Tell us a little bit about yourself! What's your favourite colour?
My favorite colour is purple or navy blue, I can never decide.
If you had a superpower, what would it be?
Invisibility....I would love to snoop on people!
What is your dream vacation?
Las Vegas, best place on earth! I am very lucky and used to go there with a previous job - I've been over 10 times and will never get bored of it! As soon as we can, I will be booking to go back.
Tell us some of your hobbies!
I'm actually very boring and don't do a lot other than taxi around my little girl (who has a much better social life than me). Normally at the weekend we will watch a film and be in bed by 9pm. I like to go running and to the gym or swimming and also love cooking.
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Pasta...I eat this a lot more than I should and would happily have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
And finally, what do you want for Christmas?
To be able to see my sister and niece who live in London.....praying for a miracle!