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ZooLab Corporate 2019 Round Up

A Non-Stop 2019

It's been a busy year for ZooLab Corporate! Particularly during 2019's holiday periods - they were jam packed.

Not only did our team work with holiday camps and clubs around the UK this summer, we visited loads of libraries too with ZooLab’s ‘Space Race’ - an astronomical storytelling treat that was out of this world!

🚀 Did you know? - The first rat in space was called Hector! He was launched by of French space pioneers in 1961.


This year, we've carried out more events than ever before! We've put on our thinking caps and brought to life a huge range of original shows for new customers, creating new and exciting themes.

A few personal event highlights have been our sessions at the big museums! Working at the London Science Museum 'Lates' has seen us tie our animal presentations into topics such as ‘Wounded in War’, ‘Frankenstein’, ‘Sexuality' and the 'Sun’. ZooLab also participated in visually impaired and SEN events at the museum - those have been really rewarding.

Behind The Scenes at ZooLab: Dinosnores. Video credit: Le nid de pie

We loved being part of Dinosnores, London’s Natural History Museum’s adult sleepovers. With the help of my animal team, I worked with groups of people to find out if we can design a dinosaur. We also did some cool sessions on camouflage at the National Army Museum, a session all about spice at Kingston Museum and visited Thinktank for their Spooky Halloween event.


We've done lots of great office sessions throughout the year too, with groups like Frank, Bright and Abel; Hidden Hearing and Spitfire consultancy to name but just a few. ZooLab hasn’t just been for adults - our animals have been the stars of the show at family events. We loved being a part of the Bank of England Family fun day and working at The Jockey Club racecourses for their family events too.


Halloween was a real stand out period for me due to ZooLab's collaboration with English Heritage. Our team visited a total of 10 sites in October delivering really exciting 'Witchcraft and Wizardry' sessions, spellbinding visitors of all ages. It was a lot of fun and went down brilliantly. We're already excited to do it all again next year!


Looking forward to 2020

2020 is looking fantastic! With another brilliant Family Attraction Expo delivered in November, we've got some interesting collaborations lined up to kick start the year. We look forward to continuing our relationship with our key accounts customers too! We'll be back at the London Science Museum for Lates on 'Medicine', 'Gaming' and 'Sexuality', plus we're continuing the Dinosnores at Natural History Museum too.

This year has ended with the addition of a few new faces to the corporate team - Gary Tavener- Smith and Anna French. We're excited about the new ideas and suggestions that they are bringing to the table.

It's been a brilliant year and it's shaping up to be an even better 2020! Thank you for your continued support.



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